[cut to the works]
This site comprises a selection of the poetry which I feel is fit to be made public. I have good intentions to periodically make additions and revisions so that it includes a wide range of works from 1980 to the present.
The poems are in free verse:
I am not a big fan
of the dactyl or spondee.
I prefer to stand
on my own two feet.
They are all short. I have never managed to build up so complex a view of the world that it extended over the page.
Born in 1954 in the city of Birmingham, now living in London. Married with children. Working in publishing.
A copy of my first collection, Talismen (Hand Picked Books, 2007) can be obtained directly from the publisher, Hand Picked Books, 40 Voltaire Road, London SW4 6DH, enclosing a cheque for £8.95 + £1.50 p&p. Alternatively phone Marston Book Services on 01235 465 500, quoting the ISBN: 9780955573804, where payment can be made by credit card. Or order the book via Amazon.co.uk.
Mailing list:
If you would like an occasional new poem dropping freely into your inbox let me know.
Comments, correspondence, your poems to johnalanrule@homerule.co.uk.
And now.....the Public Works.